Case Study


Main Page » Projects » Restore
  • Technology:
  • Axure, Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, ASCX, Bootstrap, HTML, CSS, JavaScript
  • Platform:
  • DNN
  • DNN Installation, Backups, DNN Version Control, DNN Skins and Containers
  • Sectors:
  • Records Management
  • Digital
  • Datashred
  • Relocation
  • Technology

The Project

Restore UK company’s project/projects involved years of collaboration and expanded to several areas of business.

As a well established UK based firm Restore and its divisions needed multiple custom online solutions carried out in partnership with a team of several people, including us. First of all their old websites needed to be completely rebuilt taking care no crucial data get’s lost and no SEO issues occur whilst moving over the information.


As Restore company did not opted for a multiportal DNN installation, four of it’s sectors needed to be moved to a single platform resulting in a complex page management and navigation. Relocation division needed a separate website.

Each sector needed their custom layout, menu system and branding as unique identifiers besides some common design visuals. These several divisions needed individual management also.


We contributed to each step of Restore projects from DNN installation and maintenance to responsive Axure wireframes, adaptive Photoshop drafts being followed by web development, page building, content editing, custom scripts and SEO services to name a few.

Custom templates and menus/module containers per main page and sectors were built. Third party modules were also styled to follow branding colors of the five sectors.

We implemented the Google Custom Search used on banking websites here as well.

Multiple forms were connected with and besides the main DNN skins we created custom design for PPC landing pages, also used structured data besides the basic SEO services in order to boost the SEO performance of the company.

Complex role and permission systems was created in order to allow easy administration per sector, continuing to lend a helping hand when there was a need.